The Glasgow Returnable Cup

Thank you for using the returnable cup for your beverage today.

You have saved another cup from going to landfill.

Short paragraph to explain the scheme

Partnering with Coffee Chains (Costa, Pret, Burger King, Greggs) & Hubbub & Reposit.

Done with your cup?

Take your cup to any of the participating stores.

Hand your cup to the barista to receive your £1 deposit.



Order your beverage at the participating stores with a Borrow cup.

Pay £1 deposit for borrowing the cup.

How it works

Take your cup with you and enjoy your beverage as normal.

Once finished, you can scan the cup to find any participating stores.

You can either get a refill or return your cup.

If you decide to return, return the cup to the barista.

You will get your £1 deposit back to you.

About the Project (detailed)

Hubbub hubbub Hubbub hubbub Hubbub hubbub Hubbub hubbub Hubbub hubbub Hubbub hubbub Hubbub hubbub Hubbub hubbub

Hubbub hubbub Hubbub hubbub Hubbub hubbub Hubbub hubbub Hubbub hubbub Hubbub hubbub Hubbub hubbub Hubbub hubbub

Reposit Reposit Reposit Reposit Reposit Reposit Reposit Reposit Reposit Reposit Reposit Reposit Reposit Reposit Reposit Reposit

Reposit Reposit Reposit Reposit Reposit Reposit Reposit Reposit Reposit Reposit Reposit Reposit Reposit Reposit Reposit Reposit

Next phase…

The next phase…. preview? Aiming to have all coffee cups/takeaway beverage network across Glasgow. Stay in touch etc